New Federal Regulations and Transcript Withholding: What Does This Mean to My Institution?

New Federal Regulations and Transcript Withholding: What Does This Mean to My Institution?

Recorded On: 11/17/2023

  • Registration Closed
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Join AACRAO and NACUBO staff as we discuss the Education Department’s recently released regulations that aim to strengthen accountability for higher education and the new provisions that will change the practice of transcript withholding.


This webinar was hosted and recorded by:


William Gil

Senior Director, Government Relations

American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO)

William Gil implements AACRAO’s public policy agenda and oversees federal government relations, legislative, policy, and regulatory matters that could possibly impact the AACRAO membership, which is comprised of 11,000 individual members at over 2,600 higher education institutions. He provides information and strategic advice regarding developments in education policy and regulations relating to college admissions, records, student privacy, financial aid, and other issues impacting higher education at the federal, state, and local levels. Prior to this position, he was the vice president of programs for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) and associate vice president for collegiate programs and federal relations for the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). He has also worked for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program of Arlington County, The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, and the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC). He was born in Venezuela and moved to the United States with his family at young age. He has a master’s in public administration from the George Mason University and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a double major in economics and Spanish literature. He and his wife, Kelly, reside in Arlington, VA, with their two sons, Alexander Rafael and Dominic Vicente.

Wendy Kilgore

Senior Director of Research

American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO)

Dr. Wendy Kilgore has more than 20 years of experience as a higher education administrator, researcher, and consultant in the United States and Canada. Her experience and proficiency lie in professional disciplines related to enrollment management and enrollment services, including the use of technology, organizational restructuring, student-centric business-practice development, policy development, and management of comprehensive collaboration to support enrollment efforts.

Prior to joining AACRAO, Kilgore served as state dean of enrollment services for the Colorado Community College system, which consisted of 13 colleges. Before moving to Colorado, she was the director of admissions and the registrar for the Pima County Community College district, a large urban community college headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. Her professional and consulting experience spans a wide array of institutions, including public research universities, private faith-based institutions, and private for-profit institutions.

Bryan Dickson

Director, Student Financial Services and Educational Programs


Bryan Dickson is the director of student financial services and educational programs for NACUBO. As part of NACUBO’s leadership development team, he is responsible for supporting the advancement of an array of member programs and services, including educational programming for new chief business officers.

In addition, he is a staff liaison to NACUBO’s Student Financial Services Council, working on behalf of the NACUBO membership to assist bursars and student accounts staff on a national level through advocacy with federal agencies and members of Congress. Prior to joining NACUBO in 2007, Dickson was a member of the legal and compliance practice at CEB, Inc., a best practice insight and technology company in Washington, DC. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.


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New Federal Regulations and Transcript Withholding: What Does This Mean to My Institution?
Select the "Play Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "Play Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes